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NCLP plays a key role in designing and implementing two of the most well-known professional development experiences for leadership educators in higher education: The Leadership Educators Symposium (LES) (formerly known as the National Leadership Symposium) and the Leadership Educators Institute (LEI).

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The Leadership Educators Symposium (LES) (formerly known as the National Leadership Symposium) is an annual retreat-style program that takes a deep dive into a timely leadership education topic. Symposium participants get to explore the latest in leadership education research and practice alongside renowned scholars and approximately 30-40 other leadership educators. Symposium curriculum is cohort-based and highly experiential, centering dialogue principles and critical perspectives of leadership theory and practice through topical lectures, workshops, and collaborative projects.

As of 2023, LES occurs bi-annually in December of odd-numbered years. Click here to learn more about the latest Symposium



Leadership education of college and university students is an important and ongoing process within higher education institutions. Faculty and staff across an institution play an essential role in designing, implementing, and evaluating leadership education initiatives through leadership courses and programs, co-curricular opportunities, and new technologies. The Leadership Educators Institute (LEI) is an innovative conference-style forum geared specifically towards staff and faculty doing leadership education and development work in various higher education contexts. LEI is a partnership between the National Clearinghouse for Leadership Programs (NCLP), ACPA College Student Educators International, and NASPA Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education.

LEI occurs bi-annually in December of even-numbered years. Click here to learn more about the latest LEI.

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