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NCLP's commitment to collaboration sits at the heart of our work. Leadership education spans the boundaries of institutional functions, association categories, and organizational structures. We aim to help leadership educators find the resources, opportunities, and connections most relevant to their work, regardless of their affiliations or formal campus roles. We are proud to partner with a variety of associations, organizations, and entities in pursuit of this aim. See below for more information.

Inter-Association Leadership Education Collaborative

NCLP is the convener of the Inter-Association Leadership Education Collaborative (ILEC), which aims to help connect and collaborate across the professional associations that provide resources and professional development opportunities for leadership educators in higher education. The following associations are current ILEC members:

  • ACPA College Student Educators International (ACPA)
  • American Association of University Women (AAUW)
  • Association of College Unions, International (ACUI)
  • Association of Leadership Educators (ALE)
  • International Leadership Association (ILA)
  • NASPA Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA)
  • National Association for Campus Activities (NACA)
  • National Clearinghouse for Leadership Programs (NCLP)
Mutli-Institutional Study of Leadership

The Mutli-Institutional Study of Leadership began with faculty and graduate students at the University of Maryland through NCLP and is now administered globally by NCLP faculty associates at the Center for Expanding Leadership & Opportunity and Marquette University. You can read more about the MSL at their website linked above and on our Research & Assessment page.


Our partners in hosting the Leadership Educators Symposium, LeaderShape is a non-profit organization well-known and respected in the leadership education community for their commitment to partnerships, programs, and initiatives to help create a just, caring, and thriving world. Find out more at

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